One hallmark of PBS Fort Wayne’s history has been the creation of a television archive of local history and culture with the documentaries we’ve produced through the years.
To celebrate this body of work, we're airing a new series — REWIND — weekly on Thursdays at 9:00pm. Each Thursday evening, plus an encore airing most Sunday evenings at 7:00pm (schedules may change during pledge periods or holidays), just before MASTERPIECE, you’ll be able to enjoy one of PBS Fort Wayne’s past documentaries, from our most recent to some not seen on our air for years.
Alongside recent favorites such as Truck Town, a History of International Harvester in Fort Wayne, Electric Legacy: The Story of General Electric in Fort Wayne, The Forgotten and A Home For The Arts, you’ll be able to watch documentaries such as E.L Cord: His Transportation Empire, Fort Wayne Firsts, Komet Tales, Ann Colone Remembers, WOWO Legends, Memorial City: The Lindenwood Chronicles and many more.
We hope you’ll enjoy this weekly look back at the history and the people that have made our area such a special place. Check out our broadcast schedule below, or look through our on-line schedule at or consult the times and dates that will be listed in the monthly Primetime program listings to see which documentaries will be featured each week.